REGISTRATIONS NOW OPEN HARDEGAT 20259 February 2025ONE DAY. ONE HELL OF AN ADVENTURESponsored by Register for Hardegat 2025 First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Phone *Choose Your Challenge *Select ChallengeGravelTarBike Make & Model *Waiver & Indemnity *• I hereby state that I have chosen to take part in the Hardegat Challenge 2025 being offered by the Hardegat Challenge 2025 organisers and sponsors of my own free will. • I indemnify the indemnified party, its members, directors and employees against all claims, losses, demands, actions, damages and causes of action whatsoever arising directly or indirectly out of my acts connected with or arising out of the Hardegat Challenge 2025, whether suffered by me or any other third party, and I hold the indemnified party harmless there from. • I understand that the Hardegat Challenge 2025 may be inherently dangerous and may create certain risks to persons that can result in property damage and serious physical injury. I further understand that the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and agents will not be and/or are not responsible for any injuries, property damage or liability that may arise from my participation in the Turkana Challenge. I assume full responsibility for the decision, and the consequences thereof, to take part in the Turkana Challenge. • I do hereby release, agree to indemnify and hold the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees and agents free and harmless from any and all costs, losses, expenses, damages (direct, indirect, consequential or otherwise), claims, suits, causes of action or any other liability or responsibility whatsoever, including attorney’s fees and related costs, resulting from any injury to any person(s) or damage to property arising out of, or which may in any manner be connected with, said Activity as provided herein.Acceptance *By submitting this agreement, you confirm that you have read and understood the meaning and effect of this agreement and that you agree to be bound by it from the date of signature. If you do not understand the meaning or effect of any of the clauses contained in this agreement, you must request that it be explained to you before accepting and concluding this agreement, by contacting Johann van Tonder, main organiser of the Hardegat Challenge 2025. General *I agree that this agreement may be treated as a defence to any action or proceeding that may be brought, instituted or taken by anyone against the Indemnified Party, its officers, employees, and agents for injuries and/or damages sustained as a result of the Activity as described herein. • I have read this agreement and understand all of its terms, and I have executed this instrument voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. • I confirm that I fully appreciate the risks that I may be exposed to during my participation in the Activity and that I voluntarily accept such risks. • I hereby consent to the Indemnified Party and its officers, employees, agents and third party service providers lawfully collecting, processing, storing and transferring my personal information, as defined in the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (POPI) in accordance with POPI and to process such information in insofar as necessary. • The parties agree that this agreement may be signed electronically in terms of the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002 (ECTA) and that in terms of ECTA, the agreement, in electronic format, is not without legal force and effect merely because it is wholly or partly in the form of a data message. Submit